Daily Greens Fees
All Members, Daily “Member for a Day” players or practice facility users should adhere to the following dress code as it relates to the golf course and practice facility. Collared shirts, mock turtlenecks and/or general ladies and men golf apparel purchased in a golf shop are acceptable forms of dress for Bowes Creek Country Club. If shorts are used, they must be 16 inches in length and properly hemmed. Ripped, torn, frayed clothing or T-shirts are unacceptable. The golf staff, at its sole discretion, can deem clothing inappropriate. Please dress appropriate. Thank You!

2025 Off Season Weekend Daily Fees (Saturday-Sunday) before 4/25 and after 10/7
Standard Member-for-a-Day Weekend Rate $110
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate $95
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 10am $85
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 12pm $70
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 2pm $65
9* Holes Weekend Rate after 2pm $50
Practice Range Fees
(Member-for-a day pass includes practice range at no additional fee)
Large bucket range balls $16
Medium bucket range balls $12
Small bucket range balls $7
Trail Cart Rental $15
*18 and 9 holes rates include cart, practice range fees are additional
2025 Off Season Weekday Daily Fees (Monday-Friday) before 4/25 and after 10/7
Standard Member-for-a-Day Weekday Rate $85
Just 18** Holes Weekday Rate $70
Just 18** Holes Weekday Rate (after 12 p.m.) $65
Just 18** Holes Weekday Rate (after 2 p.m.) $60
Senior* 18** Holes Weekday Rate $59
Junior* 18 Holes Weekday Rate $45 no cart
9** Holes Weekday Rate $38
Practice Range Fees
(Member-for-a day pass includes practice range at no additional fee)
Large bucket range balls $16
Medium bucket range balls $12
Small bucket range balls $7
Trail Cart Rental $15
* Seniors (62+) and juniors (17-) required to show proof of age
**18 and 9 holes rates include cart, practice range fees are additional
2025 Weekend Daily Fees (Saturday-Sunday)
Standard Member-for-a-Day Weekend Rate $135
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate $109
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 10am $95
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 12pm $79
Just 18* holes Weekend Rate after 2pm $69 no cart
9* Holes Weekend Rate after 2pm $55
Practice Range Fees
(Member-for-a day pass includes practice range at no additional fee)
Large bucket range balls $16
Medium bucket range balls $12
Small bucket range balls $7
Trail Cart Rental $15
*18 and 9 holes rates include cart, practice range fees are additional
2025 Weekday Daily Fees (Monday-Friday)
Standard Member-for-a-Day Weekday Rate $109
Just 18** holes Weekday Rate $79
Just 18** holes Weekday Rate after 12pm $75
Just 18** holes Weekday Rate after 2pm $60
Senior* 18** holes Weekday Rate $59
Junior* 18 holes Weekday Rate $45 no cart
9** Holes Weekday Rate $38
Practice Range Fees
(Member-for-a day pass includes practice range at no additional fee)
Large bucket range balls $16
Medium bucket range balls $12
Small bucket range balls $7
Trail Cart Rental $15
*Seniors (62+) and Juniors (17-0 required to show proof of age
**18 and 9 holes rates include cart, practice range fees are additional
1250 Bowes Creek Boulevard, Elgin, IL 60124 | 847-214-5880